Wednesday 31 August 2011

Resistance is detected

A friend forwarded me this website, I don't know who runs it, but fair play to them, I hope they keep it going. 

Click the link to visit the site.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Dole Doctors Just as Shit as Dr Nick (possibly)

 The cracks are showing already!!!  There's a story in the papers right now about the doctors carrying out assessments on people who are to ill to work.  The gist of it is the 'fit for work' assessments are not fit for purpose.

"Twelve doctors employed by the firm that is paid £100m a year to assess people claiming disability benefit are under investigation by the General Medical Council over allegations of improper conduct. The doctors, who work for Atos Healthcare, a French-owned company recently criticised by MPs for its practices, face being struck off if they are found not to have put the care of patients first."

No surprises for anyone involved in employability over the last few years.

"One GP who attended an Atos recruitment fair told the Observer she feared doctors could become "agents of the state" who were deprofessionalised by involvement in a system that did not make patient care its first concern."

Thats exactly how I felt as a client centred careers adviser,
 getting shunted into the Gov's Bread and Work camp.

"A GMC spokesman said: "We can and do take action to remove or restrict a doctor's right to practise if there have been serious failures to meet our standards.""
This is the first good news I've seen in weeks.

Read the full story in the Guardian.

Saturday 13 August 2011

Humdrum Days

Well, I have got a few irons in the fire, hopefully start a new job soon, and still have my soul intact.  I haven't settled with ex-employers who tried to whore me out to Ingeus.  Developments are moving along nicely there though. 

I met a current Work Program candidate at a local Initiative Centre.  He has to apply for EIGHT jobs every week now, as well as having to travel by bus to a neighbouring town (8 miles away) for his Work Program sessions.  The Adviser at Ingeus told my friend that she has to place three people in work every week to hit her target. Sounds stressful.  I feel vindicated in walking out.  Being unemployed is stressful but it won't kill me or tarnish my soul.

Meanwhile, the Tory's policies are coming to fruition in our cities..........

Maybe when Thatcher dies, all her evil works will disappear like Sauron's in the Lord of the Rings.  The recent riots are the start of something bigger I reckon, there's lots of protests coming up and with current policing tactics you can bet there will be trouble. The Poll Tax riots may have upset a lot of people, but reforms came in soon after, so look for good as well as bad.

I just watched 'Capitalism - A Love Story' by Michael Moore, it took my breath away, it made me shout at the screen, then it filled me with hope. Watch it soon and tell your friends to watch it.  It's about why we need a revolution soon.