Ed Balls estimates how big an asshole he really is......
Bigger than that, Ed, way bigger.......
"We won't reverse Coalition cuts", says Balls The Independent
"The Shadow Cabinet has been banned by Ed Balls from promising to reverse any of the Coalition Government's spending cuts as part of Labour's attempt to regain credibility on the economy.
In an interview with The Independent, the shadow Chancellor said: "No matter how much we dislike particular Tory spending cuts or tax rises, we can't make promises now to reverse them. I'm clear that I won't do that and neither will any of my Shadow Cabinet colleagues." Mr Balls has ordered Labour frontbenchers to clear any spending commitments, however small, with him and Ed Miliband."
So the question now is: Who the hell do we vote for to get us out of this mess?
The Magna Carta gives us the responsibility of sacking the whole Feral Overclass that have hijacked government for the benefit of their rich and greedy friends, but who do we then give the power to?
That's something I'm going to be looking into. I have been watching young Ed Miliband, initially with hope, since he distanced himself from the noted War Criminal and Corporate Whore Tony Bliar. Sadly all I'm seeing is NuLabour duplicity and trough-diving, although with a pitiful demeanour in place of the arrogance of the tories and the guilt of the fib dems.
I read the writing on the wall yesterday when Ed stood tall and promised to cap Tuition Fees at a mere £6000. Big fucking Deal Ed, it still might as well be £6 million to lots of us out here in the real world.
This continues in the same vein as delegates at the NuLabour conference have backed young Ed's cunning plans to scrap elections to the shadow cabinet. Maybe he will declare himself Shadow Reich Chancellor next and then join the coalition.
There's never a proper socialist politician in this country when you need one. Tony Benn, where are you now?
I'm going to be examining which alternative political wheel I can put my shoulder to, if any. I want a government which isn't about enslaving the poorest, milking the most vulnerable, and criminalising the least well served. Suggestions on a postcard please to "Who's going to get us out of this shit" competition.
In the absence of any real opposition, I believe the people will need to present a cooperative movement, perhaps named the 'Fairness' or 'People' party, to oust the fat cats .
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