Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Ingeus Link to Industrial Diseases

I made a Data Subject Access Request to Ingeus recently about my dodgy transfer there from my old job.  The other day I had to email them to ask why they had been ignoring my request.  I guess they think they are above the law, being on the side of the Unholy Coalition of Ruin, or the ConDems as they are known. 

I tried to telephone the head of HR about why she was ignoring my legal rights.  At 2.30pm, I was told "She's still at lunch"!  Now we know why FatCats are Fat! 

Anyway the point of this post is, that when I was transferred  the Work Programme I broke out in Eczema all over my hands and wrists, which cleared up as soon as I walked out. (see previous posts in June) 

This week after emailing Ingeus, and talking to their switchboard operator, my eczema is back.  Next time I'll wear gloves when I phone them, you can't be too careful when it comes to Industrial Diseases.  So remember, INGEUS can be HAZARDOUS to your HEALTH!

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Fib Dem Wife Cat Outrage - Latest

MP John Hemming's wife in kitten theft trial   On the BBC

CCTV cameras show the wife of Birmingham MP John Hemming sneaking into the home of her husband's mistress, court has heard.  Christine Hemming, 53, whose husband is the Yardley Liberal Democrat MP, denies burgling the home of Emily Cox and stealing a kitten.

MP's Wife Charged Over Cat Burglary

Christine Margaret Hemming, wife of Birmingham Yardley MP John Hemming, was not required to enter a plea during a brief appearance at the city's magistrates' court.  Mrs Hemming is alleged to have burgled the home of Emily Cox, a researcher with whom the MP fathered a child in 2005.  The burglary is alleged to have been committed at night on September 29.

The fate of the cat was not made clear in court, but a picture of the animal, apparently called Beauty, has been posted on Mr Hemming's blog under the heading "kitten missing".  The photograph is accompanied by a message which reads: "If anyone has seen this kitten please contact me at the House of Commons. There is a reward for its return."  Mr Hemming, who describes his domestic status as "an unclear situation", said: "I would just like the cat back"

MP's wife 'caught on CCTV sneaking into husband's mistress' home to steal kitten'
Birmingham Crown Court was told that Christine Hemming, Liberal Democrat MP John Hemming and his lover, Emily Cox, were involved in a "love triangle" at the time of the alleged offence last September.

The court heard that Miss Cox was out at a 'meeting' in the early evening of September 29 and returned home to find that one of her two cats, Beauty and Twinkle, was missing.  CCTV footage.....showed exactly what had happened to the cat.

"The defendant, Mrs Hemming, had sneaked around the back garden, she had opened the back door, she had entered Emily's house and she remained in that house for three minutes or so.  "She then left the house through the same door which she had entered but, when she left the house, under her left arm was Beauty the kitten."

Mrs Hemming had apparently stolen Beauty because she was aware that her Fib Dem husband would rather spend time with Emily Cox's pussy than with her.  She was mistaken in thinking that Beauty was that pussy.

I doubt it was Twinkle either.

Mrs Hemming should be held on remand until she reveals the fate of Beauty.  I do not believe rumours that regular blood sacrifices are now demanded of Fib Dem MPs and their families under the orders of their new masters, the tories.

Monday, 26 September 2011

Fib Dem Pork Pie Shock

An Open Letter to my Councillor

I emailed the Fib Dems the other day, complaining at the rubbish they had thrown through my letter box.  Councillor Jeff Reid responded with this terse, rather pissy email:

Dear Mr Hutton.
I am sorry that you feel badly about the Lid Dems. (Lid is Jeff’s spelling, not mine.  I spell it FIB) If you would care to be more precise about your accusations I am happy to try and explain our position.  If you feel you cannot, then if you give me your postal address I shall try and make sure we do not deliver any more of our literature to you.
Regards Jeff Reid

Here’s my response:

"Jeff, people voted for the Fib Dems because they said they would:

  • Scrap tuition fees. But they trebled them.
  • Oppose a rise in VAT. But they voted to back the Tories in raising it to 20%.
  • Protect the NHS. But they backed David Cameron’s expensive bureaucratic plans which put the founding principles of the heath service at risk.

On a local level, I received a scurrilous document the other day, which I contacted you about.  You kindly offered to ensure that I do not receive this communication again, but I decline your offer. 

Only by reading your words can I effectively oppose your machinations.  As representatives of the people, you ought to be transparent, and this means delivering your words even to people who see through the deceit and then criticize you. 

I wasn't complaining that I got the photocopied propaganda; I was complaining that I did not get a chance to debate the issues on my doorstep.  Please continue to inform me of events in your little fantasy world.  I particularly liked the untrue statement:

“The Liberal Democrats’ have been in government for just over a year but we have already implemented much of our manifesto.  This sheet details some of the key policies we have delivered so far. It is not exhaustive, nor does it include those of our policies that are in the coalition agreement but have not yet been implemented - so this list is just the first part of a long line of Lib Dem policies to come.”

I will address 10 of these spurious claims and hope you engage in the debate.

  1. “We are creating 150,000 new affordable homes over the next 4 years - the first net increase in social housing in 30 years.”
The reality is that no new affordable homes have been built yet, and any building in the future is likely to break the old planning regulations which now been scrapped by your bosses the tories.

  1. “We have put forward proposals to get prisoners working and contributing financially to their victims.”
These are only proposals, but the worrying thing is, Ingeus is involved in this process and the scheme is likely to reduce the real jobs available to ordinary people by treating prisoners as a kind of slave army of workers.  I do not believe the Fib Dems invited Ingeus into the Work Programme.

  1. “We have introduced proposals for Neighbourhood Justice Panels to give people a say in sentencing for petty crime and anti-social behaviour.”
These are only proposals, the reality is that your tory masters sent a memo round the courts to deal incredibly harshly with the ‘rioting’ disaffected citizens who were protesting in the only way they felt they could.  Where were the Neighbourhood Justice Panels when this draconian memo was composed?

  1. “We have launched a new equalities strategy which will improve the recording of and response to hate crime.”
Do you have evidence that this has been implemented yet? The reality is that Police forces with some of the worst records of targeting black people have decided to stop recording the ethnicity of the people their officers stop and ask to account for their movements.  I don’t hear the Fib Dems protesting about this.
Five out of the 10 forces most likely to use stop-and-account powers disproportionately against black people have halted recording the race of people they have stopped. They have used a government change in the rules introduced in March, which was aimed at cutting bureaucracy.  In total, 21 out of 43 forces in England and Wales will stop recording details, according to responses to requests under the Freedom of Information Act.  A high court challenge is being brought over the decision.

  1. “We have introduced a Local Sustainable Transport Fund to encourage local authorities to develop low carbon transport networks, such as improved cycling facilities.”
This is either ignoring or claiming the credit for the good work and the advances that SUSTRANS have made in the region, I can’t decide which.

  1. “We have scrapped the compulsory retirement age.”
Perfect, combined with the ruination of the pension schemes and the withdrawal of benefits from terminally ill residents, it is now your plan for us to work until we die.  How is this something to be proud of?

  1. “We have increased the income tax threshold by £1000, lifting 880,000 low earners out of tax. The threshold will increase in each year of the coalition, eventually lifting 3 million people out of tax altogether.”
Pie in the sky!!  Has this actually happened yet?  Instead of pushing the Robin Hood tax, the Fib Dems are complicit with their tory masters in reducing the contribution made by the banks and the rich.

  1. We are investing £900 million in a crackdown on tax avoidance and evasion.
Meanwhile MPs who stole expenses money and handed the loot back, have had their ill gotten gains returned to them in a secret deal.

  1. “We have restored the earnings link with state pensions and guaranteed that pensions will rise by at least 2.5% every year.”
Meanwhile more than two million public sector pension holders will be forced pay £1.1bn in extra contributions from April 2012, under government plans, increasing their contributions in varying amounts up to a whopping 10.9%.

  1. “We are reforming the banking system and have introduced a bank levy that will raise £2.5 billion every year.”
Meanwhile the Independent Commission on Banking says "fundamental and far-reaching" changes will be fully implemented by 2019.  Whoopee!

That’s enough for now, I look forward to your response."

Ed Balls: "We are SHIT and we know we are."


Ed Balls estimates how big an asshole he really is......

Bigger than that, Ed, way bigger.......

"We won't reverse Coalition cuts", says Balls The Independent

"The Shadow Cabinet has been banned by Ed Balls from promising to reverse any of the Coalition Government's spending cuts as part of Labour's attempt to regain credibility on the economy.

In an interview with The Independent, the shadow Chancellor said: "No matter how much we dislike particular Tory spending cuts or tax rises, we can't make promises now to reverse them. I'm clear that I won't do that and neither will any of my Shadow Cabinet colleagues." Mr Balls has ordered Labour frontbenchers to clear any spending commitments, however small, with him and Ed Miliband." 

So the question now is: Who the hell do we vote for to get us out of this mess? 

The Magna Carta gives us the responsibility of sacking the whole Feral Overclass that have hijacked government for the benefit of their rich and greedy friends, but who do we then give the power to?

That's something I'm going to be looking into.  I have been watching young Ed Miliband, initially with hope, since he distanced himself from the noted War Criminal and Corporate Whore Tony Bliar.  Sadly all I'm seeing is NuLabour duplicity and trough-diving, although with a pitiful demeanour in place of the arrogance of the tories and the guilt of the fib dems.

I read the writing on the wall yesterday when Ed stood tall and promised to cap Tuition Fees at a mere £6000.  Big fucking Deal Ed, it still might as well be £6 million to lots of us out here in the real world.

This continues in the same vein as delegates at the NuLabour conference have backed young Ed's cunning plans to scrap elections to the shadow cabinet. Maybe he will declare himself Shadow Reich Chancellor next and then join the coalition.

There's never a proper socialist politician in this country when you need one.  Tony Benn, where are you now?

I'm going to be examining which alternative political wheel I can put my shoulder to, if any.  I want a government which isn't about enslaving the poorest, milking the most vulnerable, and criminalising the least well served.  Suggestions on a postcard please to "Who's going to get us out of this shit" competition.

In the absence of any real opposition, I believe the people will need to present a cooperative movement, perhaps named the 'Fairness' or 'People' party, to oust the fat cats .

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Dance On Thatcher Day CD project

Let's dance and laugh and enjoy the day she's laid in her grave, and again every year on the same day, just like Guy Fawkes Night but with FEELING.
This is a CD project I'm trying to get off the ground. 

Today I registered with an agency that may help me apply for digital rights to market this album as a download, and even maybe as a lovely souvenir CD package to keep and cherish. 

This is a mock-up of my tentative artwork for the CD. 

I've built a facebook page where you can listen to the songs, before you buy it. 

All proceeds to Peace One Day, (unless they hate the idea), that should make Thatcher revolve in her fiery pit.

I'd love to see it become a reality, it would be a fantastic legacy.

Clown School Closure apology from Milk Snatcher

Mrs Thatcher, never noted for her grasp of reality, even before becoming a pathetic raddled hulk of a former Tyrant and War Criminal, showed an almost psychic awareness of the current political circus we call ConDemNation.

"Clowns were no laughing matter for Lady Thatcher in 1980.  Margaret Thatcher wrote a personal letter in 1980 to school pupils upset by the closure of a clown training school due to government cuts.

The letter is among 30,000 documents newly released by the Thatcher archive.  The clown training school was funded by the Arts Council; the then Mrs Thatcher explained that "more people apply for grants to help with their work than we can possibly afford".  But she went on to say, in a letter to pupils in Class 2 at Edgeside Church of England school, in Lancashire, via local MP David Trippier, that clowns would continue to receive public funds to some degree and "it will not mean the end of clowns performing in schools or elsewhere".

"Fecking Right it won't missus", laughed a right pair of comedians, before they got in their clown car and drove off into obscurity.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Nobody Loves You When You're Down And Out

Now if you have been paying attention, you may know I’m now unemployed.  I’m not impressed with Unite the Union, so I tried to join the GMB.  As their website boasts:

“GMB is the UK's third largest, trade union and probably the fastest growing with a 15% increase in members in real terms in the last five years.  As a general union, GMB membership is open to all workers and students in both the public and private sectors.  Sick and unemployed members = 5p per week.”

That sounds good to me.  As a voluntary worker, I'm technically unemployed.  I tried to use the website to join, and put ‘unemployed’ in the box marked "Your Job".  It insisted I name an employer in the box marked "Your Employer" so I put the place where I do voluntary work.  It calculated my union dues as £6.29 per month.  So I tried ringing the GMB.  The conversation went something like this:

When I explained what had happened, the nice lady said "So you're unemployed?"  I said “yes, but I do voluntary work.  I'm hoping to start a job soon though.”  She said "Hmmm, would you not rather wait till you start work and then join?"  "No" I said "I would rather join now, and upgrade when I start work."

Hmmm" she said, “We can't really let you join for 22p a month.”  I said “But your website says that unemployed people pay 5p a week to be a member." 

 "Yes” she said “But you have to be a member for a year, before you can be an unemployed member." 

I said “That’s not very fair, so as an unemployed person I'm worthless to you?  She said “I don't make the rules.”  I asked “Who does? David Cameron?  I know the Tories think I'm worthless because I’m unemployed, but I'm surprised the GMB think that too.”

She said “We don't think you’re worthless."  I said "But you don't want me for a member.  Because I'm unemployed I have no value to you.  There are no vacancies for me in the GMB.  Shall I go on my blog tonight and tell everyone that the GMB think I’m worthless because I’m unemployed.”

She said she would speak to her manager, and he would call me back.  He didn’t.  So I am obviously worthless.

Now I was in the NUM for 15 years.  When the pits were closed I retrained as a teacher and joined the NASUWT until my employer broke my contract and the NASUWT was advising him as well as me, and eventually showed me less support than a pound-shop truss.  

When I moved to advice work and employability support I joined Unite.  Unite won't back me in my action against my last employer who unfairly dismissed me.  So I tried to join GMB.  They think I'm of no value. 

After contributing union fees for about 25 years I have needed support twice when unfairly dismissed and both times the union were no use whatsoever. I spent the last five years telling people they should join a union. 

What an idiot I was.  I should tell them "Don't join a union, they are a waste of money, and create an illusion of support that evaporates when the bosses look at them."  No wonder the Tories can do whatever they want. 

Roll out the Barrel.......

David Cameron: global economy is close to 'staring down the barrel' 

"The prime minister identified one of the main problems as the failure of eurozone leaders to agree a "lasting solution" to stabilise the single currency.

In his Ottawa speech the prime minister also echoed the IMF's calls for Europe's banks to be strengthened and added that euro countries should reform their labour markets."

Cameron has launched the Work Programme, compared by many to the German Labour initiatives of the 1930s. 

His Lasting Solution sounds familiar to anybody who remembers a famous Final Solution..............

The Organisation Todt was a Third Reich civil and military engineering group in Germany eponymously named for its founder, Fritz Todt, an engineer and senior Nazi figure. The organization was responsible for a huge range of engineering projects both in pre-World War II Germany, and in Germany itself and occupied territories from France to Russia during the war, and became notorious for using forced labour.

You have been warned. 
What are you going to do about it?

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

DWP - Work till you Die. (Official)

A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said working could give terminally ill people 'a sense of being useful'.
The government has clashed with disability campaigners and health charities after warning seriously ill patients that their benefits may be cut from next April if its welfare reform bill, which has not yet passed all its parliamentary stages, is enacted later this year.

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is sending letters to claimants saying the contributory employment support allowance (ESA) will be time-limited to one year for people deemed capable of returning to employment, meaning those already receiving the benefit could lose their financial help in six months' time.
More Here

Karmic Employment Prolapse Shock

This one's for an ex-boss of mine who's recently had some back luck. It's called KARMA, Asshole. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe............

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Government to pilot classes for parents of under-fives

Sarah (Prick) Teather in the Houth of Commonth

"Liberals have traditionally said that it is not government’s job to interfere in family life," she said. "But if we are serious about allowing each individual to realise their full potential, it must surely be government’s job to create the kind of society in which all families are able to flourish.

"The government will shortly begin piloting an offer of voluntary parenting classes for every parent of a child under five in three or four areas. This is a direct response to the evidence that the home learning environment is the biggest single determinant of your child’s future success."

This is the little twat who is 'too busy for a boyfriend' let alone have any kids, deciding that something as 'simple' as bringing your child up in this capitalism-blasted wasteland can be taught to parents in school.  How patronising.  Maybe she will be advising them to claim parliamentary expenses for their offices to make a few bob and feed the little perishers.  And if you think kids aren't little perishers wait till the cold weather, the benefit cuts and the escalating gas bills thins out the ranks of the future unemployed, this winter.  They'll be perishing in their droves.

Wise words indeed.   You tell em Sarah.

Follow the links to the other websites, some of them are hilarious.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Claimants 'tricked' out of benefits, says Jobcentre whistleblower

Here we go as the truth will out.  I can confirm this, I attended Jobcentre 'pitstop' staff meetings to offer our Careers advice service to JCP clients, in a previous job, and heard staff get bollocked for not hitting targets.  The manager told them if they wanted ideas on how to hit their targets, ask Kevin (not the prick's real name) as he is the 'Prince of DMA".  I got some client's benefits started and refunded, but only a few.  Theres a huge bit of information here but it might be out of date now the work programme is kicking in.  My stepson signed off and asked for support with travelling to his job until he got paid.  The bitch on the desk told him to come back tomorrow for the travel support.  Then Guess What, she told him - "You signed off yesterday, so you are not eligible for support now."  I phoned up and threatened legal mayhem and they back pedalled, but I could weep for the thousands of claimants who don't get support and lose out on their ENTITLEMENT. 

Fuck the DWP for a bunch of nazi bastards.  Anyway watch the video and campaign for justice for the real victims of the Banker's Bonuses.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Tory Scum Sees Sense - SHOCK!

AN MP has pressed the Prime Minister to ‘find future contracts’ for a troubled train maker — prompting a union to claim she has ‘seen the error of her ways’.

South Derbyshire Tory Heather Wheeler used Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons to urge David Cameron to help Bombardier.

The Derby firm has laid off more than 1,400 workers — many of them from South Derbyshire — following the Government’s decision to award the £1.4 billion Thameslink contract to rival German bidder Siemens.

Mrs Wheeler has come under fire from unions and Labour rivals for first supporting the decision — but then making a U-turn when a poll said her seat would be at risk due to her stance on the issue.

“It is an absolute necessity that the Government finds future contracts for Bombardier as a means to secure viable train production in the area,” Mrs Wheeler told the Tory leader.

Full Story

A grinning David Cameron chuckled "Ve Haf Vays of Doink That."

Friday, 9 September 2011

Is it an Ice Scraper?

Well, I have lodged my claim at the Employment Tribunal, got an email back saying they have received it, the clock is ticking now.......

I found this in my wallet, with any luck it will snow this winter, and I might find a use for it once the car is snowed in.  Until then it's like tits on a bull. 

Fecking Useless.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Over to you, Julian

I heard Julian Cope on The Radcliffe and Maconie show, and thought I'd drop in on Julian's site, Head Heritage, (always worth a visit) and see what he's up to.  I found this piece I'd like to share with you.

Here's some extracts, the full version is well worth a read and can be found at:

Iain Duncan Smith - Secretary of State for Work and Pensions and founder of the supposed Tory conscience the Centre for Social Justice - has set forth his plans for welfare-to-work. People unemployed for a year will do four weeks full time work for no wage, or else lose benefits.

The plan is backed by Conservative leader David Cameron. These two men live in multimillion pound mansions thanks to their wives' fortunes, and from these grand platforms they tell us how important it is to work for your money rather than living on handouts.

To be fair, this isn't a Tory initiative. All the elements and more were
laid out by Labour two and a half years ago:
After a year on unemployment benefits, claimants will have to undertake at least four weeks compulsory work in the community. This becomes full-time voluntary work after two years. It is hoped that this will push people back into paid work as they will have to work at least 30 hours a week unpaid simply to claim benefits. They may also have to sign on daily.

Firms successfully returning people to the workforce for the long-term will receive bonuses of up to £50,000.

As I said back then, that - just the bonus, before the firm's standard fees - is equivalent to over 16 years of Job Seekers Allowance. Do we really think that’s value for money? Or does the government just feel better giving the benefits budget to wealthy private firms instead of poverty stricken individuals?

Given there are already people who remove graffiti and pick up litter but who'll now be unneeded, we can sack them, put them on the dole, then re-employ them on unemployment benefits at a third of the price.

This is, by any measure, slave labour. Those who have no other option are forced under threat of destitution or other punishment to do menial work in exchange for basic food and shelter, with no prospect of improving their conditions or of leaving.

This affects more than those on the scheme, as the new pool of dirt cheap labour drags down wages and conditions for the properly employed.

And that is the system I walked out on........

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Resistance is detected

A friend forwarded me this website, I don't know who runs it, but fair play to them, I hope they keep it going. 

Click the link to visit the site.

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Dole Doctors Just as Shit as Dr Nick (possibly)

 The cracks are showing already!!!  There's a story in the papers right now about the doctors carrying out assessments on people who are to ill to work.  The gist of it is the 'fit for work' assessments are not fit for purpose.

"Twelve doctors employed by the firm that is paid £100m a year to assess people claiming disability benefit are under investigation by the General Medical Council over allegations of improper conduct. The doctors, who work for Atos Healthcare, a French-owned company recently criticised by MPs for its practices, face being struck off if they are found not to have put the care of patients first."

No surprises for anyone involved in employability over the last few years.

"One GP who attended an Atos recruitment fair told the Observer she feared doctors could become "agents of the state" who were deprofessionalised by involvement in a system that did not make patient care its first concern."

Thats exactly how I felt as a client centred careers adviser,
 getting shunted into the Gov's Bread and Work camp.

"A GMC spokesman said: "We can and do take action to remove or restrict a doctor's right to practise if there have been serious failures to meet our standards.""
This is the first good news I've seen in weeks.

Read the full story in the Guardian.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Humdrum Days

Well, I have got a few irons in the fire, hopefully start a new job soon, and still have my soul intact.  I haven't settled with ex-employers who tried to whore me out to Ingeus.  Developments are moving along nicely there though. 

I met a current Work Program candidate at a local Initiative Centre.  He has to apply for EIGHT jobs every week now, as well as having to travel by bus to a neighbouring town (8 miles away) for his Work Program sessions.  The Adviser at Ingeus told my friend that she has to place three people in work every week to hit her target. Sounds stressful.  I feel vindicated in walking out.  Being unemployed is stressful but it won't kill me or tarnish my soul.

Meanwhile, the Tory's policies are coming to fruition in our cities..........

Maybe when Thatcher dies, all her evil works will disappear like Sauron's in the Lord of the Rings.  The recent riots are the start of something bigger I reckon, there's lots of protests coming up and with current policing tactics you can bet there will be trouble. The Poll Tax riots may have upset a lot of people, but reforms came in soon after, so look for good as well as bad.

I just watched 'Capitalism - A Love Story' by Michael Moore, it took my breath away, it made me shout at the screen, then it filled me with hope. Watch it soon and tell your friends to watch it.  It's about why we need a revolution soon.

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Well, we now have a chance to watch Unite the Union in action when they attempt to pry my human rights free of the toxic environment my career has washed up in.  I'll be outlining what my situation has morphed into over the last two weeks, suffice to say that the Work Programme has already f*cked me over considerably, but only at the instigation of my last employer who tried to pimp me over there to get a lot of trouble off his own doorstep. 

Almost as soon as I walked out on Friday my skin began to clear up, my eczema was obviously attached to the Work Programme.  It will save Ingeus a fortune if everybody it touches, however briefly, develops painfull itching red patches on their skin, as I did.  It will save them tattooing numbers on us.

Nice!!   This is what stress does - Eczema.....Itchy as Hell!

I have seen the Future and it was resetting to 1940

I just escaped from the Work Programme and i'm still shaking yet.  I'm going to follow the progress of the biggest Shake Up of the benefit systems since they packed all the 'useless breeders' off to France in 1914. 

I'll also tell you about My Struggle to get out of the Penultimate Solution.  It's a shocking story of human rights abuse.

If you want to get up to speed, try watching Schindler's List sometime.  More details after i go and scrub my skin with Vim and a yard brush again to try to get the stench off me.